Business information; list of .petitors; portrait of the target audience; geography of work; kpi. The brief is sent to the customer who must provide detailed answers. The more data there is the higher the likelihood of effectively solving the problem.petitor analysis a large team consisting of an analyst marketers and other specialists is involved in analyzing .petitors. They measure key business indicators of .petitors which help identify priority growth areas. The emphasis is on the following features of the business and the site through which promotion is carried out pros cons; unique selling proposition; growth points; promotion strategy; site features additional services online tools etc.; traffic entry channels; behavioral factors attendance; quality of response to user requests.
During the analysis an seo specialist actively works to determine the semantic structure and identify priority traffic channels. He conducts manual monitoring and also uses special services for example similarweb. Analysis helps to identify important data the type of devices from which the target audience prefers to make purchases or the best platforms for running advertising. At this stage types of analysis are performed user behavioral factors; structure of key traffic Mobile App Development Service channels; geographical coverage by region. working tips read also how to increase website loading speed working tips seo promotion website development beginners collection of the semantic core collection of the semantic coresemantics are collected after obtaining information.
About the target audience geography of work and customer requirements. The specialist collects a wide core of queries using key collector or wordstat he selects words and word forms that will bring the maximum amount of targeted traffic to the site. The wide core is subjected to clustering divided into groups and noise words that distort relevance are removed. Requests are selected taking into account the type of site and target audience geographical defining a region or country; informational having the form .how to to to buy. Etc.