You can keep your deals that you started before that time, and benefit from the increases and decreases that occur during the closing period. This is an example of strategies you can use to profit from trading by using open and close times to your advantage. Read also: Forex learning guide HOW DO YOU DETERMINE THE BEST FOREX MARKET HOURS? The presence of the Forex market around the clock confuses many traders, as it extends over a very long time scale.
And involves many periods, fluctuations, and intersections that must Phone Number Data be taken into account. It is not possible to specify a specific period and be certain that it is the ideal period for trading, as there are many factors that the person who will carry out the transaction must determine in order to know when to trade. You will have to determine the appropriate time according to your base currency and pricing currency, in addition to other economic factors related to other asset markets, such as: gold, silver, oil, and others. But in general, experts advise trading during the periods common to the four major markets, as they are somewhat among the best trading periods. If we want to be more precise, the most important of all is the period of intersection of the European and American markets.
Especially for novice traders, and this is mainly due to the stability of both the dollar and euro currencies and the lack of risks surrounding them. But on the contrary, it is extremely important. For Forex traders - at least the professional ones - it is not just timing for the opening and closing times of the markets, but rather a standard against which the profitability of each transaction is measured. That is why we were keen in this article to clarify all the details regarding these Forex market hours, their importance, and how you can exploit them to your advantage. We hope that at the end of the article we have been able to benefit and entertain you, and if you have any questions or inquiries, ask us in the comments below, and we will answer you as soon as possible.