How to attract clients from Telegram and make money.” You will learn how to run a channel to maintain the interest of subscribers, free and paid methods of promotion, ways to attract customers and generate income. All participants receive a certificate. The bot will collect all the necessary information and send it to you as a message. The bot collects only the most useful information in order to quickly assess the main indicators of the channel. Subscribers. The total number and their increase per day/week/month. Citation index. Shows how often your posts are cited in other channels. Engagement.
The higher this indicator, the more the audience is interested in your content. Actively participates in the life of the channel - writes comments, gives reactions, etc. Coverage. Average reach per publication and average advertising reach. This indicator allows you to Web Development Services better understand the potential of advertising placement. General summary of indicators from Datafan_bot General summary of indicators from Datafan_bot Datafan_bot is an excellent tool not only for channel owners, but also for advertisers. Allows you to quickly and efficiently assess the channel’s audience, identify low-quality channels with markups and make a decision on advertising placement.
The first method is useful primarily for the channel owner, the second allows you to analyze channels both for owners and third parties. The third method offers the most extensive and detailed set of metrics. Telegram analytics services For people who are aiming to actively develop their blog and effectively purchase advertising, analytics services for telegram channels and chats are best suited. And if you haven’t started your own channel yet, using the services you can analyze the topics of telegram channels and choose a suitable area for yourself. The most common services: telemetr telega.in popsters TGStat Let's take a closer look at how one of the analytics services works.