As its name indicates, the objective of this tool is to generate complete feedback with the client , who receives questionnaires and personalized questions. One difference? Feedbackify provides complete privacy in the contacts that sellers and buyers may have. TRIPADVISOR One of the best known worldwide that has triumphed in the tourism and hospitality sector.
The site also includes traveler forums and measures the number of Phone Number List TripAdvisor reviews, their quality, and how recent they are. When you perform a search, hotels are ranked based on quality calculated by their popularity index ensuring an up-to-date and unbiased view of the best hotels. between users and companies that offers a simple and quick questionnaire to fill out that allows direct contact between both parties. To try the trial version, you need to register for the service to approve participation OPINIONLAB A perfect tool to collect feedback on all devices .

Unlike traditional surveys, OpinionLab sends questionnaires in a non-intrusive way and allows customers to participate from their mobile phone, tablet or computer at any time of the day. To evaluate the questions, the tool offers a simple system to answer based on very simple answers: – for negative opinions and + for positive opinions that help the company to have prior knowledge about customer satisfaction, which does not require much time. in answer.