When we talk about "priority of content" in website redesign, we don't mean to put all the content we want on the site first and then launch the site. Imagine! Well, it's hard work. If you do this, you will get the holy grail of the site. Placing content as a priority means that we think about the content that we are going to put on the site at every stage of the project and keep the content in mind. In this way, we can make better decisions for our site and have a better site as a result. When we want to design first and then think about the content, we limit our abilities only to design and we may not be able to achieve the goals we have in mind for the site. We have been trying to bring the content to the center of site design and user experience for a long time.
If you don't agree with your team about the content you want to put on the site telephone number list from the beginning, you will face three problems: The design should be changed later to match the content of the site. In order to match the contents with the design, we have to cut or delete some of them. When the design is done and you are waiting for the content, the whole project is in limbo. None of this is good for the morale of the group, your relationship with the client, and keeping the project in progress, and it may end up hurting you financially. In this article, I want to mention the problems that occur in the planning, production and publishing of content and suggest solutions for them so that you can consider the content first for your next work.

Problem 1: No one cares Bitter truth! The theory of "things first" only works when everything we need is available. For example, we must have an overview of the work to be done and a series of previous plans, and 100% persistence and perseverance. Maybe others are not as involved in content production as you are, or at least they don't care as much as you want. If you want the production of content to be important from the beginning for the people in your group, you must explain to them why they should do this and what changes will occur in the role played by the people or in the whole project. You can mention these reasons: saving time and money; Because in this way, the content is pre-approved and later requires less corrections and changes, and it will be approved by the group sooner. The work schedule remains in place and the site can be launched on time.