In this article, we help you understand the field of investing in gold, and explain the steps you must take to succeed in this field. A LOOK AT INVESTING IN GOLD Investing in gold was and still is one of the preferred investment methods for many people around the world. In theory, this type of investment is considered safe if implemented properly, and its risks are almost non-existent because the value of gold generally rises globally.
If you look at gold prices in dollars from 1900 to 2021, you will notice the Telegram Number Data following: The value of gold remained almost stable until 1970, then it gradually increased from about $35 per ounce in 1971 to $612 per ounce in 1980. This means that the value of gold increased by 1648% in just nine years. Of course, the value of an ounce later fell to levels below $612, but it never reached $35. In general, the period of the decline in the value of an ounce of gold to less than a thousand dollars has ended and is unlikely to return. This is not the case with other investment vehicles, such as stocks and bonds, whose value fluctuates from time to time. Note that stocks and bonds mostly belong to companies.

Their reputation and stocks, and sometimes even cause them to lose their value forever. If you are interested in knowing more information about stocks , we advise you to read our special article about it, but if you are looking for a guide that will help you understand bonds and invest in them , we recommend reading our guide, which explains to you everything you need to know about this field in a simplified and detailed manner. Finally, we must understand the difference between investing in gold and using it to preserve the value of the currency or saving in general. Buying gold for the purpose of investment requires more effort than its counterpart for saving, as the former requires a lot of study and continuous monitoring of gold prices.