This is the part of the article for you. Let's start from a consideration, whatever the topic of your blog, to earn money online, you need considerable incoming traffic made up of dozens or hundreds of unique visits per month. An intense volume of traffic can only be obtained thanks to quality content and excellent positioning on search engines. The concept of quality content is very broad and generally not unique. Blogs that manage to obtain large amounts of traffic thanks to quality content tend to offer either guides and tutorials or entertaining content. The entirely genuinely Italian example of Salvatore Aranzulla belongs to the first category.
As regards positioning on search engines, in this case the factors that influence it are obviously WhatsApp Number List numerous. First of all, the proposed contents must be in-depth or propose at least 300 words. Even longer contents will obviously be rewarded, even better if interspersed with subtitles, images, videos or links to other internal and external resources. ly and regularly. To best optimize each of our articles we pay attention to the presence of the keywords for which we want to position ourselves. It must be present: in the meta tags, in the titles, in the first paragraph and in the rest of the text, in the permalink, in the name and alt tag of the images.
Obviously they favor the growth of traffic on the site, as well as the obtaining of incoming links from quality sites and an efficient presence on social networks. After having made this long introduction, it is possible to earn money with a make up blog in three ways. The first is thanks to a banner system that remunerates the webmaster advertiser through a pay per click or a pay per 1000 impressions method. The second is represented by affiliate programs above all, in this case those that offer makeup and beauty products.