Your data will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties. Poor content can drag down the SEO performance of an entire site. But where is the bad content? When it comes to pages with several hundred pieces of content, it is not easy to decide what is good and what is bad. Where do you start? What do you have to pay attention to? evaluate urls Evaluating with signs is of course also possible. It's more fun, but also more work. Why is bad content dangerous for SEO? Since the first Panda update in 2011, maintaining page quality has been an important part of search engine optimization.
The Panda algorithm penalizes websites that have a lot of “thin content”, i.e. content Special Data without added value. i.e. the slow decline of rankings over months, which is often due to poor user signals. The goal of SEO should therefore be to only allow high-quality pages and content into the index. The rest should be revised, deleted or at least de-indexed. What makes good and bad content? Google determines page quality algorithmically and based on user signals. We don't have this data.

So we usually have to evaluate with common sense. But if things have to happen quickly, that's easier said than done. We have therefore thought of a way to evaluate pages based on key figures so that we have a helpful pre-sorting for the evaluation. None of the metrics are meaningful on their own because there is always a good counterexample. But in combination, you can create a reasonable guideline for prioritization. We therefore use the various key figures as plus points and minus points in order to develop a scoring using an Excel formula.